All over the USA and Canada we hear about the heat wave. Well the Bahamas does not like to miss out on much!. WoW!.
I have been fortunate enough to have an wonderful relationship with a company handling cruise ship weddings. Many of our weddings take place on the beach – in the middle of the day because of other time constraints. A few weeks back I faced the hottest day I have ever experienced on the beach at a wedding. Unfortunately regular beach wear is not a part of wedding attire – but we still ended up soaking wet – not from the wonderful ocean water.
Part of the problem was that I normally don’t do weddings in the middle of the day. When I advise couples – I advise against this -so we normally go early in the morning or late in the afternoon.
For a few weeks – we paid a hefty price. One day you could hardly take keep your shoes on but the sand was too hot to take your shoes off. ADVISE to couples – please provide water for your guests when you decide to do a middle of the day – out in the open wedding.
Our cruise ship weddings are normally a quick hour – lately our poor heated groups have been retreating for the air condition buses as soon as they have done a few quick pictures. – Think about it – heat—– retreat!